Choosing the right workout for you

February 02,2020   |   Saima Bukhari

HIIT, bootcamp, crossfit, bodybuilding, personal training, yoga, boxing, football, sprint training, EMS and so on...

There are a lot of options when it comes to working out that it can get overwhelming and frankly confusing. But we have few techniques which can help you in making a better decision when it comes to choosing the right workout for you.

  1. What’s your goal?
    Driving without a destination is just an endless road. Have a vision of what you want to achieve. It can be anything you want; a beach body, mass building, preparing for a wedding or focusing on maintaining. Whatever your goal may be, keep asking yourself WHY? Why is this your goal? It will take you into a deeper understanding of the truth on what you are seeking. Choosing it close to your personality is critical and a great way to set up for success!

    A dream goal: Get visible abs by June 2020 so I can show them off during my holiday in Maldives.
  2. InterContinental Doha The City
    A promising location and with a gorgeous view can be found at one of the “higher” gyms at InterContinental Doha The City. The Health & Fitness Club on the 46th floor has a breathtaking view of West Bay. This fully equipped this gym also has a one of a kind infinity pool making it one of our top favourites.
    1 Month Membership: QR2,000
    3 Months Membership: QR4,500
    Tel: 4015 8888

    Once you have your goal set up, write it down! Write up a post it note on your mirror or your journal. Keep it in regular sight. The more frequently you read, say aloud and visualise your goal, the more likely you are to attain it.

  3. Time Management
    Now that your goal is set. You need to be realistic with how much time you are willing to put in to achieve this goal. Is it 30 mins a day? Is it an hour? Is it more than an hour? How many days a week? Keep in mind all your daily activities from school runs, meetings, grocery shopping and so on. Working out has to fit into this busy schedule. You will be creating time to do your favourite activity. Here’s what can work well: Less than 30 mins a day: walking, jogging, cycling, swimming An hour: Limitless options - check out the site for your options in Qatar More than an hour: get a coach because you have a serious goal to achieve

    TIP: Having less time to train simply requires you to get more time efficient. Squeezing in a morning jog or a swim is a great energy booster for the day!

  4. Plan
    With your time slots blocked in the calendar for working out and you are laser focused towards your goal; you need a plan. Be true to yourself. If you want the satisfaction of a gym membership but plan to take things slow, talk on the phone a little, chit chat with friends a little.. You’re not really doing yourself any favours. If you like to be around people then opt for group classes. You will have an army of new friends, new partners to train with and a coach overlooking you as well. But if you aren’t ready to make this statement, opt for personal training. Pick a coach you’re comfortable with and a location that is convenient to you. Talk to your coach to create a plan as per your priorities, likes and dislikes.

    TIP: Adding 15 mins in the morning or any time in the day for stretching or a form of yoga will get the blood flowing and build flexibility. Another great way to use a short workout routine is with Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) which is a 20mins workout.

  5. Accountability
    If you don’t want to commit to a personal trainer and still want the best of all, opt for a fitness coach. This person can be online and will provide you with countless plans which suit your needs along with the flexibility of training solo or with a friend. Often, having a friend keep you accountable is enough as well but be true to yourself. Sustaining at least 3 months consistently is crucial in forming this new habit. So take all the support, motivation and nagging required to get you to your goals!
  6. Budget
    With so many options available in Qatar, you are a luxury to select your gym or class based on your personal budget. Opt for a budget which you can stick to every month. With this being said, buying an annual gym membership is great but keep in mind, if you want a coach or personal trainer there are additional fees along with meal planning.

    TIP: Trying out different workout regimes to see what suits you best helps you to know what you really enjoy. Crossfit is a beautiful blend of weightlifting and gymnastics. A new wave of training method which has taken the industry by a storm.

  7. See through the plan. Don’t quit.
    Staying motivated is one of the hardest parts in achieving any goal. If you detest your training plan or workout regime you are likely to drop out within the first month. If you like some part of it you may stick to this routine for an average of 3 months. But when you love it, you wake up waiting till it’s time to get active! Be patient with results and trust the plan that you have put forward. This will keep you in the right direction and keep you motivated towards achieving and pushing your goals ahead.

    Reflect on what you need in each phase, support yourself with the means to get you closer to your goals. Be realistic, be optimistic and trust the plan.